Part three of the increasingly unpopular 'The Maltese Falcon may be already taken' script.
I rest my case.FOUR:
I dunno. I dunno if you do. I mean, whatever. But surely… The point is that King Lear, Macbeth, I mean surely the point is they work –I mean they work. Like they’re good. I mean they’re good enough to work without y’know the Wind machine or the chopped off bits.FIVE:
Well that’s what I’m sayin’.FOUR:
What are you sayin’?FIVE:
I’m sayin they are but this isn’t-FOUR:
You’re sayin’ I need a gimmick to keep the audience interested?FIVE:
In this play yes.FOUR:
Well don’t hold back…
(returns) did I miss anything?FIVE:
Look you think I’m sayin’ something but that’s not what I’m sayin at all.FOUR:
Well what are you sayin?THREE:
Yeah, what are you sayin?FIVE:
What I’m sayin is..-I’ll tell you what I’m sayin’…THREE:
So tell us.ONE:
Yeah tell us.FIVE:
Right (to one) You wanted to know what you missed…ONE:
No I get the jist.FIVE:
(to four) You think I’m sayin’: ‘This play is so bad it needs a gimmick to fix it.’FOUR:
In fairness that is what you’re sayin’…FIVE:
It’s not.THREE:
Well then what are you…FIVE:
What I’m sayin.THREE:
What I’m sayin, look. No gimmick. I don’t believe. NO gimmick in the world is so good, that it’s going to save a truly awful play.FOUR:
But you’re denying the usefulness of… What I’m saying is: ‘ I Like this play’.FOUR:
Don’t thank me yet.TWO:
Anyone more wine?FOUR:
I mean.. I like the idea. I think it’s different. Challenging. Never been done before I don’t think, andFOUR:
and there’s a reason for that.FOUR:
And the reason would be?FIVE:
Well there’s a million reasons or, what I should say is that there’s a million ways for it to go wrong.FOUR:
Which is probably it’s strength, or charm I mean It’d be difficult to learn and perform. Actorwise. But I still. I mean on the other hand why shouldn’t it live?
What I’m sayin is, if it worked It’d be like watching a tight-rope act.FOUR:
And maybe the gimmick is to take away the net.FOUR:
I didn’t know there was a net.FIVE:
Well there is one.FOUR:
And that’s what you want me to do,- to take away the net?FIVE:
And how do I do that?FIVE:
That I can’t help you with.FOUR:
And that’d save it.FIVE:
Not ‘save’ it exactly, I didn’t mean save it. But it’d y’know, tickin’ on that while longer. It would still have to go somewhere. FOUR:
You agree?THREE:
No but yeah- I see what you mean because yeah.TWO:
Someone please explain it to me.THREE:
No yeah because sooner or later…FIVE:
Sooner or later…THREE:
sooner or later exactly.
Is Hitler still gonna be in it?THREE:
What? I’m only askin…FOUR:
I think we can forget about Hitler at this stage.ONE:
Ve mahst nevah fahgett!FIVE:
Hitler yeah. Well I have to say. I think I saw where you were goin’ with that one.THREE:
Yeah the Art thing.FIVE:
Bad idea.FOUR:
Because Santy’s magic.
Okay what’s goin on?THREE:
No point in sayin ‘art is dead’ because then you might as well say ‘God is dead’ and it’s a really shite point to make because you’re right and you have all the evidence on one side but nobody’s gonna listen to it because nobody wants to believe you.FIVE: Howjamean?
THREE: It’s a boring topic because it’s like listening to a bunch of seven-year olds talking about santy, and like, one of them… I dunno seven –year old Thomas More has been fact-gathering, and he’s all:’ A sleigh can’t fly’ and ‘The world is too big’ and ‘you’d never fit all…’ and ‘ We don’t have a chimney’ and it doesn’t matter what he says because some snot-arse is just gonna say at the end: ’But Santy’s magic’.
Maybe he is.THREE:
Maybe he is but poor kids still get crap presents.ONE:
Well then they must be naughty.THREE:
fuck off.ONE:
Santy’s magic.THREE:
fuck off.ONE:
Say it. Say Santy’s magic.THREE:
Santy’s magic.ONE: Or Is He?
What’s everyone talkin’ about?FIVE:
Don’t mind ‘em.
Maybe you should write a play about gangsters.FOUR:
Like ‘gangland Limerick’. You should’ve written something like that. There’s drama there now, and stabbing and like everyone’d go see it.FOUR:
(pause. Sound of broken glass. A car alarm.)ONE:
Is that?FOUR:
(to one)Did you leave the gate open?ONE:
I didn’t know..FOUR:
(everybody except five scrambles off-stage)
To be continued...
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